quinta-feira, 2 de março de 2017

Describing Famous Paintings !!

 Children on the seashore by Joaquín Sorolla

This picture shows a hill, the sky and the ocean in the background. In the foreground there are two girls, a boy and a dog. The girls are watching the boy and the dog. The boy is washing the dog.  Probably it’s summer.

Dancers by Edgar Degas

In the foreground, I can see a few girls dancing ballet, a teacher and a chair. In the background there is a mirror and a bar. 

The Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci

This picture shows the moment that Jesus Christ is having dinner with his twelve friends.  There are six friends on the left and six on the right. Some of his friends are talking with the others and some of them are looking at Jesus Christ. 

Vincent’s Bedroom in Arles by Vincent Van Gogh

In this picture I can see a bedroom. On the right there is a blue door, an orange bed and four pictures. In the background there is a picture, a chair, a table and a window. On the left there is a blue door and an orange chair.

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